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Natural Roasted Barley Tea

Natural Roasted Barley Tea

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    Natural Roasted Barley Tea

    Da Mai Cha

    Roasted barley tea is a caffeine-free, roasted-grain-based tisane made from barley, which is popular in Japanese, Chinese, and Korean cuisine. It is also used as a caffeine-free coffee substitute in American cuisine. Barley water is a popular traditional soft drink in Britain.


    Roasted barley tea is called mugicha in Japanese, dàmàichá or màichá in Mandarin Chinese, and boricha in Korean. While the tea is generally regarded as a cooling summer beverage in Japan, it is served year-round, hot in winter and cold in summer, in Korea. Originally, roasted barley seeds were stewed in hot water (this is still the method generally used in Korea), but tea bags containing ground barley became more popular during the early 1980s; this is now the norm in Japan. It can be found from many different distributors in vending machines all over Japan.

    In Korea, roasted unhulled barley is used to prepare the tea. Often the barley is combined with oksusu cha (roasted corn infusion), as the corn's sweetness offsets the slightly bitter flavor of the barley. A similar drink, made from roasted brown rice, is called hyeonmi cha (tisane) or genmaicha (with green tea added).

    Roasted barley tea, sold in ground form and sometimes combined with chicory or other ingredients, is also sold as a coffee substitute.


    Roasted barley tea was found to inhibit bacterial colonization and adhesion, specifically to the major cause of tooth decay and implicated in cardiovascular diseases, Streptococcus mutans biofilms. It also lowers blood viscosity, proportional to the level of alkylpyrazine in the tea.




    Weight:  75-250 grams


    Taste:   This tea has a very nutty, warming flavor which some people find is an acquired taste. The taste had crossed over from a delicate tea flavor to more of a roasted coffee flavor.


    Preparation:  Use 10-15g flowers per 350ml of water. Heat water to 90-95 and steep for 8-10 minutes. It’s better to use glass cup.




    Brewing vessel:  Glass, Porcelain Pot

    Infusions:  At least 5 times

    Shelf Life:  18 months

    Origin:       China


