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Wild Bamboo Leaf Herbal Tea

Wild Bamboo Leaf Herbal Tea

Starting at: $8.99

  • Model: H-049
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    Wild Bamboo Leaf Herbal Tea



    Bamboo Leaf's Tea is made from the leaves of naturally growing young bamboo leaves in Sichuan, China, where the pandas live.

    Bamboo Leaf Tea has a wonderful sweet, green flavor that aids and balances both mind and body. Bamboo has the highest amount of vegetative silica of any plant.  It is what allows bamboo to grow so fast and strong and yet remain flexible.  Silica adds strength and flexibility to all the cells of the body.  It is also a well known beauty supplement supporting hair and nail growth as well as adding suppleness to the skin.  Bamboo tea is silica in a whole food format which can be absorbed better than a supplement.  Much like eating an orange vs taking a vitamin c supplement. 


    This tea also contains soluble fiber which benefits the digestive system by promoting weight loss and relieving tension in the abdomen.  Bamboo teas are also is high in antioxidants promoting overall health and wellness.  Bamboo is a super herb and it’s benefits are well documented throughout the world.  We have been told of many other wonderful healing benefits from the tea and we invite you to try the tea.




    Weight:  50-250 grams


    Taste:   Natural bamboo aroma , light, smooth, refreshing.


    Preparation:  Use 3g bamboo leaf tea per 200ml of water. Heat water to 90-95 and steep for 1-3 minutes.




    Brewing vessel:  Glass, Porcelain Pot

    Infusions:  At least 5 times

    Shelf Life:  18 months

    Origin:       Sichuan, China



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    Customer Reviews:

    by Leon Jiang
    Date Added: 08/04/2014
    I really fall in love with this bamboo tea. I just came back to the Us from London, and I was suffered because of the difference time zone. I slept every morning and stay up whole night for a week. this tea is amazing, I felt a sleepy after a few minutes after I drank it. Recommend for everyone who have been suffer from insomnia syndrome.


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